Evolving and Healing Together: Inside the Tantra Tribe and Mastermind Community

This is a special episode where we delve into the heart of spiritual and emotional transformation. In this enlightening journey, your host, Chandresh, introduces you to the vibrant worlds of Tantra Tribe and Tantra Mastermind + the personal story behind this new way of supporting you.

Tantra Tribe is more than a community; it's a sanctuary where like-minded souls gather to explore the realms of spiritual and emotional freedom. Here, you'll find a space that nurtures your growth through deep, poetic, and sensual teachings resonating with your desires for freedom, calmness, and clarity.

Tantra Mastermind takes this journey a step further. It's a group coaching container that offers an intimate, transformative experience. Through personalized guidance and collective wisdom, this journey paves the way for profound personal growth and deeper spiritual connections.

In this episode, Chandresh shares the unique facets of each community, highlighting how they cater to the unique paths of their members. You'll discover the rich tapestry of support, resources, and growth opportunities that await you. From fostering creativity and deepening relationships to enhancing self-awareness and emotional resilience, these communities offer a holistic approach to personal development.

Whether you are seeking a deeper understanding of tantra, longing for a supportive community, or ready to embark on a transformative spiritual journey, this episode invites you to explore the possibilities.

Chandresh Bhardwaj

Chandresh Bhardwaj is a seventh-generation tantra teacher, spiritual advisor, and speaker. Based in Los Angeles and New York, Chandresh is the author of the book Break the Norms written with the intention to awaken human awareness from its conditioned self. His mission is to demystify tantra and make it an accessible and easy-to-understand and practically applicable spiritual practice.


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